Like A Migration Back In Time, From Avians To Pachyderms, Goeth I

Way back in the long ago, before the World Wide Web, before everyone and their grandma had a computer, before facebook, before hashtags and domain names, before trolls were really a thing, before all this… I was… well, maybe you can say I was a late to the game pioneer… on Compuserve. It was the mid-90s, and was married and a bit lonely, as my … Continue reading Like A Migration Back In Time, From Avians To Pachyderms, Goeth I

a short poem not about plants

so, I was all set. tea made. idea almost in reach and I was sideswiped by a friendwith Pika’s sister in towand her best bud Poppy ugh. so. we kvetchedok, i kvetched he can’t talk much brain injurysodrank beertold me I reminded him of Margaret Thatchereventuallyafter some timei guess that’s kinda a hard one to mime– which maybe I deservedas I was expounding on the … Continue reading a short poem not about plants

“Look For Me, Somewhere Down That Crazy River”

And, so we danced. We danced all Saturday night, and into the early morning. Then we slept in my bed. Well, not only slept. I awoke, did my morning routine, made tea, gave some plants some water, and he slept. Mumbling strange, incoherent things, as I snuggled up with him again. And he slept some more. I woke him up again, made toast, he had … Continue reading “Look For Me, Somewhere Down That Crazy River”

when cancelling isn’t necessarily a bad thing

Well, how bout that, I suppose I will just have to sit here and watch these clouds drift by on my own. Plans fell through, and he has to work. That other me would have been sad. He’s threatened to come before, so I half expected it. Still though, point being, I’m OK with it. Actually, perhaps releaved, a little. Perhaps old lovers should stay … Continue reading when cancelling isn’t necessarily a bad thing