The Sky is Blue, And So Am I

Here we are, past the point of enamoration with this blasted winter. Snow, snow, and more snow, tis the theme this frosty February.

As I wrote a couple of days ago, February has become the month of beginnings for me, therefore I am TRYING to see it that way – trying to focus my energy towards that positivity {unsuccessfully today apparently}.


Lately life seems reduced to work, sleep and writing, and struggling through snow and biting cold, with a pinch of wallowing for good measure.

Of late I find I am thinking back 3 years, to February 2012, and Tim and I were living at Thameswood through the week while he received his chemo/radiation treatments. Those days have become some of my best memories – that time, place, the people, all the laughter and friendship amidst such life-altering circumstances. I went looking for those photos, but unfortunately they are all on my old Mac, and that’s not hooked up any longer. I’ve lost track of them all, even though we intended on keeping in touch. I really had this urge today to look back, I suppose that will be a project for this weekend.

Though that maybe not the best idea.

I suppose what I desire is escape – specifically to the woods, and to get away from the sidewalks and cars and buses. I miss having the ability to walk out the door, across the street, and be within a forest. To hear only bird calls, and the breeze through the branches. I’m tired of slipping and sliding on unshovelled sidewalks and scaling mountains of snow, and trudging along with bitter winds biting my exposed flesh. As much as I so want to get outside, it’s so cold today that I just can’t make myself go out before I absolutely have to.

I look back in this blog, and last year at this time things were much the same [UNDER A TANGERINE SKY].

It’s a fairly well-studied phenomena – Winters Long Haul Taking a toll On Mental Health

“It’s a recognized phenomena where a number of people at this time of year begin to notice some of the impacts that the winter has on them over the long-term,” he said. “It can get to somebody because people don’t go out and do as much when the weather’s like this. They’re less active, which tends to make them more sluggish.”

No shit Sherlock. The article goes on to suggest we should just get over it, and get out in it. Sure, cept, um… not really working for me. Maybe this weekend.

Atleast her Fluffy-ness is enjoying this weather.


2 thoughts on “The Sky is Blue, And So Am I

    1. Ugh is right. Either freezing temps or more snow. Now, I don’t have to shovel this year… that goodness for small mercies. Heck…even poor folk in the southern states are getting the white shite this year. Nasty.


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