Village Sketches: The Divine One And His Servant


What is it, exactly, that makes a place charming? What orchestrates those that inhabit these environs of grace.

For, tis these idiosyncratic sorts that truly give a place its splendid character.

Such as the vignette I came upon yesterday at the end of our (Irish and I) hike along the Thames. As we were strolling down the main thoroughfare, Irish has at this point scrapped all the skin off my hand, and almost snapped my wrist, but was a wonderful walk.

Well, as we’re waltzing past one of the outdoor patios, to my right is the most wonderful scene. Here is this lady and her cat, seated together at this cute little bistro style table for two. She is leaning in towards the feline, as if he’s just told the most jolly intelligent story. The feline, a orangish sleek dandy, is seated upon this zippered kitty-cat backpack THRONE. As we enter his field of vision, his eyes have suddenly become attached to Irish (who is completely oblivious to the laser of death pointed her way).

IMG_0008-005Oh, how I love this place. I love it’s charm, and its unique style, it’s characters and especially the history that breathes practically up through the beautifully manicured gardens. People from all over the city come here to do what I can do by simply walking out my front door. THIS is my HOOD now. And I’m becoming one of them. I am one of those that give this place it’s sketches of wyrd.

I guess once you discover who you are, the next thing to do is discover where you want to be – and go there.

So that’s how I now feel. It’s the thing that I embrace, like a warm blanket on a cold spring night. It comforts, it soothes, it puts you at ease. It tis a place where you can be ones self, and thus become one of the fixtures.

Once you emerge as yourself, you develop the extraordinary ability to just ‘poof‘ and disappear into the fabric of the place. You become invisible, but only there. Only within the boundaries of this beautiful little place within a place, does the magic work.

Find that place, and you are free.


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