You Are Invited

You are cordially invited to a new blog I just began. Decided to take part this month in the Writing 101 WordPress is offering via their Blogging University series. For some time now I’ve felt this desire to move forward in my writing, but in what way exactly I was uncertain.

I realized that I was allowing the uncertainty to hinder me, and maybe I was using it as an excuse to not just DO IT. SO I did. I created THE PERSIAN FLAW.

I see now that maybe its valuable for me to branch off certain aspects into their own thread. The idea is that by teasing out certain parts, and then eventually braiding them back together, perhaps I can grow and strengthen each aspect at the same time. This triad of blogs is divided into VOICE – SOUL – VISION.

I’d love to hear from you…please tell me what you think of this new direction? Am I taking on too much with three blogs? Or is it sometimes worthwhile to divide up certain aspects of your creative self?

2 thoughts on “You Are Invited

  1. Paula, your desire to write is beginning to glow brighter and brighter… follow that light. You have been on a single path of self-discovery and are now ready to branch out and make a braid of paths. Go for it!


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