The Summer It All Broke, And What I Saw

So, battery here, cord there, keyboard fried by a drunk dying man, and eventually I lost it, and the tablet went SMACK down on my table early last month (or was it the month before?). I cursed his name to hell, and with the last remnants of sanity teetering, the USB port I later discovered had been, em, injured, let’s say. Not long after, and god help me I almost bawled my eyes out, the smart TV I got for Christmas fell off the dresser a few weeks later and, of course, it smashed. So I took pictures with my crappy old phone camera and watched documentaries on a screen as big as my wallet, which is to say, blawdy small.

And as that coveted Nikon filled with images, that I could do nothing with, until a few weeks ago the SD card filled up, and my heart broke anew.

Taking pictures with a shite for a phone, and poem after poem and words upon words that became lost to tablets that died, and every day a piece of me, too.

Yet, and blessed be birthday money, squirreled away for a few weeks till I found what I wanted, and here I am, type, type, typing away on a wonderful little Chromebook I bought used here in the hood, and this is some of what I saw this past summer.

Irish chased a baby raccoon up the Black Walnut tree,
the same day of the annual Pow Wow on The Green, on the Summer Solstice,
and meadows of wildflowers, dancing in the breeze.
to be continued…
here, here

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