Black-eyed Peas, New Years Day 2018 -

The 32nd Unposted Post: More We, Less Me & Some Black-eyed Peas, Please

There are firsts for everything, and so the one resolution I’ve ever made came to fruition, YEAH ME!

In the Southern United States, eating blackeyed peas or Hoppin’ John (a traditional soul food) on New Year’s Day is thought to bring prosperity in the new year. … Two popular explanations for the South’s association with peas and good luck dates back to the American Civil War.


And did it work? I think it did. Certainly, this year brought more than it took away. Ok, lost one friend to the ebb and flow of his own prosperity, and I’ll get to that, as there is one draft in the mix I see what looks to be, but anywho, otherwise, yes, I prospered.  

As it happens, the guy who lost his ebb and flow, D3, I spent the eve at his place, and then I guess we popped in to the local bar for a New Years Pint. Thought of him, actually, today as I was heading off to work, miss that guy. 

seasonl bow -
From December 31st, 2017

If nothing less, this year has brought with it some great lessons, in courage, strength, endurance and a nod of acknowledgement to those battles fought and won, some lost, and continued to embrace a more simple existence, and I call that a ripping success.

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.”

(Little Gidding)
― T.S. Eliot

As a rule, resolutions are not my thing. To my eye, they would seem to be the best route to ensuring failure in accomplishing a particular thing.

Like “I will finally lose that last 5 pounds“, and by March you’ve gained 5 more. “I will start jogging“, and you break your ankle in your first week, and then never get around to it again, and all your freshly minted jogging clothes get stuffed into the back of the closet.

I believe at issue is that I am the product of a long line of practical women, grounded by the voices of our ancestors, and such pie-in-the-sky acclamations are not our style.

Although, the truth is that my sister and I are probably the least practical generation yet, as we have veered from the well-worn ways willy-nilly, tantalized by the exciting shadows in the periphery and sometimes taken our advantages for granted. Probably me more so than my sister, as she has lived vicariously through my stumblings off those well-trodden trails, taking me back to my home and family when I’ve been distracted by another stray or other I thought I could save.

“May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall!”

― Aleister Crowley, Moonchild

Perhaps in the past, I would have considered something about completely ignoring those who are too busy with their self-inflicted wounds to take proper care of themselves. However, this year I’ve found those sorts somewhat less attractive, BealArt guy took well and good care of that affliction.

As resolutions go, resolving to make black-eyed peas on New Years Day is fairly safe one. Although, I’ve said I would every year for at least the last 10 or more, so actually buying dried black-eyed peas, and pork ribs for the flavouring, and actually looking up a recipe? YAH me!!!

“There is a fatality about good resolutions – that they are always made too late”

― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Probably it has something to do with my capacity to give two flying fu…and maybe consider using fewer cuss words might not be a bad idea, too.

Happy New Years decor at a bar -

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