Take That All In

From a distance, its easy to just wax on eloquently on the benefits of diversity, to be the open-minded one, to balk at the crass racism one sees elsewhere. Moving to the GTA (Greater Toronto Area), I travelled an hour north on Hurontario through Mississauga to get to work, riding the bus, passengers getting on and off – this area they were all east Indian, … Continue reading Take That All In

Use Your Eyes And Your Ears Not Your Fears

Not that I am by any means the first to wonder this, to think that this bat guano crazy train White House and the whole right wing part of the political spectrum in the U.S. has completely gone off the rails, swerving dangerously into authoritarian tyrannical territory. Does any of the legislators on that side of the aisle have any courage left? Any sense of … Continue reading Use Your Eyes And Your Ears Not Your Fears