give back to the world some of its lost heart

In the heart of the world, a pulse faintly beats,A rhythm lost in the clamor of streets.But within us lies the power to start,To give back to the world some of its lost heart. We plant trees where once concrete lay,And paint murals where the gray held sway.With each act of kindness, a new hope we impart,Restoring to the world some of its lost heart. … Continue reading give back to the world some of its lost heart

Sticky post

Enchanted Chronicles: PaulaB’s Dream Unveiled

In the hidden realms of creativity, nestled within the enchanting corners of the world, there exists a dreamer named PaulaB. Her heart, forever captivated by the allure of artistry, yearned to share her vision with the world. A dream had danced on the horizon of her life for decades, a dream to pen a book filled with the intricacies of humanity’s heart and its enigmatic … Continue reading Enchanted Chronicles: PaulaB’s Dream Unveiled

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Embracing Enchanted Crossroads: Where Whispers of Enchantment and Tales of the Village Converge

Inspired by Charles de Lint’s magical works, is embracing their pursuit of “going with the flow”; a path intertwined with Zen Buddhism and an appreciation for a simple, minimalistic life. They are creating their own enchanting urban fantasy reflecting the dual nature of locales. The author emphasizes the magic in everyday life, inviting readers to join their journey where urban wonders merge with rustic narratives, imploring them to cherish and protect nature’s urban and wild. Continue reading Embracing Enchanted Crossroads: Where Whispers of Enchantment and Tales of the Village Converge

The Golden Apple Grove

Hidden Creatures Come Forth

I’ve become rather obsessed the last couple of days with teasing forth these creatures from my nature photos. Playing with the reflect tool in Polarr, adjusting this and that, I find them and draw them out. Some have a rather surrealist aspect I really like, as well as a nod to Urban Fantasy. Well, first off, I call them THE CREATURES. Suppose or lack of … Continue reading Hidden Creatures Come Forth

the best things in life are free -

Let’s Pretend Is Actually What Matters?

A few years back, I was listening to CBC Radio, and the guest on was speaking about unstructured play. His point was on how today we have children who don’t necessarily have the tools that equip them for today’s world. Unstructured play? What is that? Unstructured play*,†  happens when children follow their instincts, ideas, and interests without an imposed outcome. It may include challenging forms … Continue reading Let’s Pretend Is Actually What Matters?

Maple Leaf Mandala in a grey jade colour.

Creating Serenity From Wild Things

Off on a tangent today, wandering Mastodon, and low and behold an idea took hold. I’ve had these black & white photographs I’ve been keen to do something with, and today I was inspired. This picture was of a blurred image, with the hashtag #impressionism. It was rather lovely. So, I revved up my ol’Polarr Photo Editor, and started playing. Reflecting and fringing and adjusting… … Continue reading Creating Serenity From Wild Things

Of The Absence And Longing For It, I say

Life comes at you quickly. Sure. However, it also creeps along, molecule by molecule, seeps in quietly unbeknownst to you. Sometimes, before you know it, life has sucked your creative energy dry, and left you wordless. The spark sparks up every now and again, but is snuffed out by ‘the life‘. By the slow creep of blah. By too much solitude. By a myriad of … Continue reading Of The Absence And Longing For It, I say

Like A Migration Back In Time, From Avians To Pachyderms, Goeth I

Way back in the long ago, before the World Wide Web, before everyone and their grandma had a computer, before facebook, before hashtags and domain names, before trolls were really a thing, before all this… I was… well, maybe you can say I was a late to the game pioneer… on Compuserve. It was the mid-90s, and was married and a bit lonely, as my … Continue reading Like A Migration Back In Time, From Avians To Pachyderms, Goeth I

Purple Swedish Ivy - scallop leaves, dark green, big and lush

This Semi-Hardy Purple Swedish Ivy That’s Not Really Swedish

A few years back, I was poking around at the outdoor garden centre, and came across this gorgeous plant. It was sold as a filler plant for hanging baskets, or other container garden displays. I soon discovered though that this beauty was way more than that. Purple Swedish Ivy – Plectranthus australis: native to northern Australia and the Pacific Islands. Yea, so no clue how it … Continue reading This Semi-Hardy Purple Swedish Ivy That’s Not Really Swedish

I ♥‿♥ Syngonium

A sampling of one of my favourite genus, the bohemian Syngonium Podophylum – also known as an Arrowhead. They just have this grow anywhere, anyhow vibe. They do fine in bright indirect light, or relatively low light. A bonus feature for beginners, is they are rather forgiving, propagate like a weed, and don’t require anything fancy. Sure, they’d love a bit more humidity than most, … Continue reading I ♥‿♥ Syngonium

Let me Introduce You To An Alocasia Named Ali

It really was all her fault, you know, Fred and I were just fine. We didn’t need no more plants around. Oh sure, there were the Oxalis I’ve almost killed 50 billion times – though if you know anything about those false shamrocks, you’ll know they also call them the Shamrock o Lazarus, cause they will always rise from the dead. Yeah, so late January … Continue reading Let me Introduce You To An Alocasia Named Ali