The Little Fox Who Let The Ruskies Into the Coup?

Way back before the election, the words of a co-worker who still hoped the strumpette was really some sort of wrecking ball that had the intention of destroying the Republicans from within, as they began to embrace him, some holding their nose, and one by one accept him, gawd only knows how some had the stomach for it, but something had changed in the American … Continue reading The Little Fox Who Let The Ruskies Into the Coup?

and old record player playing vinyl -

You Spin Me Right Round, Baby, Right Round Like A Record, Baby

The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it. Theodore Roosevelt Just as he said the words, clarified, one should note, his misspoken ones of the previous day, the lights turned out, did you see that? {minute 1:51} Ghosts of the … Continue reading You Spin Me Right Round, Baby, Right Round Like A Record, Baby

What Goes Around Comes Around Again

Furthermore, Republicans twice managed to amend the Constitution, so that it now stated that everyone born in the United States is a citizen, that all citizens should have equal protection of the law, and that the right to vote couldn’t be denied because of race. And they required Southern states to legally enact many of these ideas — at least in principle — to be … Continue reading What Goes Around Comes Around Again

The Life And Times Of A Poor Little Vainglorious Windbag

With all the news I’ve perused of late, and a thread runs through, knots up once in a while, it’s that same disbelief at this thing he’s done, said, thought, and simultaneously tweeted. Illuminating these idiosyncrasies has probably garnered lots of folks almost full-time contracts, and an elevated stature since the dim-witted oaf took office. Well, I never! Again, and again, and again. Seriously, who … Continue reading The Life And Times Of A Poor Little Vainglorious Windbag

America, On The Occasion Of Your Birthday

Our trips south to visit my American cousins and grandparents was short on stops, long on drives, and hour stretches of silence through the mountains and bible belts, or endure some radio preacher peddling doom and gloom for those who don’t send him gobs of cash. One favourite memory, actually, is that one time after breakfast at the Dutch Pantry in the heart of the … Continue reading America, On The Occasion Of Your Birthday

Pawns For Politics And Profit

“The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disentrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.” Lincoln–December 1, 1862 Message to Congress In the late 1700’s the Industrial Revolution was … Continue reading Pawns For Politics And Profit