Where Magic Goes To Drink: A Greenhaven Tale

Allow me to further immerse you in the enchanting tale that started it all one summer long, long ago. It wrapped itself around me as I wandered through my little village within a city of my own. The sidewalks seemed to hum with a hidden secret, every breeze whispered fragments.

As the days rolled by, the characters began to take shape in my mind, gradually revealing their strengths, weaknesses, and desires. They emerged from the depths of my imagination like apparitions.

Yet this tale, those tales, when they came forth, there were no Creatures… yet. Those enigmatic beings took 8 more years to arrive. It was November of 2022, and I guess one could say chose this fictious quaint village as their sanctuary, and they held the key to unlocking the secrets of the magical realms that had eluded me.

So this summer, the village began to breathe with its own heartbeat, its inhabitants spoke to me again, whispered secrets to me as I shopped for groceries. This was a place where reality and fantasy intermingled, blurring the lines between what was possible and what existed solely in the realm of imagination.

The journey to uncover the village’s name and the origin of these unearthly creatures unfolded gradually, and with every stroke, a piece of the story was unveiled, beckoning. This tale, one could say, was the nucleus, the spark, the seed, born eight years ago.

More of the original tales of Greenhaven village coming soon.

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