If The Medium Is The Message, What Is The Message?

When he first came on the scene in 2015 as a presidential candidate I was under no illusions of his unfitness for office, I was unaware of his lies about his family and how he got to where he is, unaware of Russian meddling, or of his campaigns alliance with the Russians, not unlike the majority of us. Lying about where you came from and … Continue reading If The Medium Is The Message, What Is The Message?

Thames Park - London, Ontario, Canada - thetemenosjournal.com

A Few Lines Written While Listening To CBC Radio

So, have I mentioned my internet’s been up and down the last while like a hookers knickers? Almost 6 weeks now, but on Saturday night went down completely, I was forced to amuse myself by other means. Oh boredom, and the muses that one goes seeking in the places where you used to play, but that damn device lured you away. It was a reminder, … Continue reading A Few Lines Written While Listening To CBC Radio