As Seen From The Porch

After this dull, grief-stricken Fall and Winter, I am in LOVE with Spring this year. It is so beautiful that it is almost enough to fill the void left from leaving the cottage, and all that I left there.

This morning as I was sitting on the porch with my cylinders of sin, the FluffyB and my thoughts and I am enraptured over what I see around me lately. It’s going to be another sunny day; another in a long string of sunny, warm days. It has been 25°Celsius now for almost a week. I keep feeling as though I should be writing about something more substantial; such as finish one of my Homebody Adventures posts, or some family story, or perhaps a piece on the river.

Lately though I find myself drawn to the light, and so I have been mesmerized by what I find through my camera lens. So I suspect I will be posting more photo essay’s, and I’ll post some over on my photos-only blog too – paulab | thru a lens only.
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