He, We, His Ancestry, And A Soldier Dies

At one time I had a bit of an obsession, but haven’t partaken in some time, er, well I do still poke my head in once in a while when I find some website that may have new info, but otherwise for the last couple years genealogy has been somewhat off the radar.

banner cemetery - thetemenosjournal.comWould spend hours untangling, searching, hitting brick walls, leaping over them, eventually, and later another would appear before me, and I’d poke away in the annals until I found a way through, and so forth, till here we are, ALL brick walls.

Kind of, but anywho, that’s not my point.

What is my point is that I did some poking about concerning ol’rumpTus’ genealogical past, and discovered his Bavarian/German roots, and that his Great Grandfather, one Frederick Trump, was actually kicked back out of the Kingdom of Bavaria (now in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), and there is some irony here;

In February 1905, a royal decree was issued ordering Trump to leave within eight weeks due to having emigrated to evade military service and failing to register his departure with the authorities. For several months, Trump petitioned the government to allow him to stay but he was unsuccessful.
[ ibid ]

Emigrated that is to America, after making a few buck-a-roo’s off whores, booze and gold, and with a homesick wife in tow tried to go back home again, and, well, guess that didn’t go so well for him. So I guess back they tramped, cross the Atlantic.

He and his family returned to New York on 30 June 1905. Their son Fred was born on 11 October 1905 {Trumps father}, in the Bronx, New York. The family lived at 539 East 177th Street. In 1907, their second son, John, was born. Later that year the family moved to Woodhaven, Queens. While living in Queens, Trump opened a barbershop at 60 Wall Street in Manhattan.
[ ibid ]

His family, according to the German Gesellschaft für Computergenealogie, Trump’s earliest known male ancestor was Johann Paul Trump (1727-1792) in Bobenheim am Berg.

Rather humble roots, true immigrant story, with some twists uniquely Trump, like immigrating to America in order to avoid military service, ahem.

So loyalty and patriotism don’t run in his family, although apparently, a tendency towards whores and shady deals do.

And so the pundits are punditting, and the talking heads are talking, but no one really knows what will happen next. Sort of reminds me of the Dallas cliffhanger of yonder years, Who Shot JR? With everyone having their own pet theories, and some of them rather wacko, others plausible, and most of them wrong, as truth is sometimes stranger than fiction, as anyone paying attention can attest.

Now, just yesterday, on the other side of the spectrum we have a man whose father and Grandfather were both Admirals, a man who spent 5 years in a cage in Vietnam even AFTER he was granted release by his captures DUE to his family ties, and he refused and was tortured so severely afterwards he was never again able to raise his arms to comb his own hair. Senator John McCain died yesterday, August 25th, after almost a year-long battle with Brain Cancer, and my condolences to his family, he was a patriot to the end, going with his own conscience, knowing he served his country to the best of his ability.

Senator John McCain entered the Naval Academy in June of 1954. He served in the United States Navy until 1981. He was elected to the US House of Representatives from Arizona in 1982 and to the Senate in 1986.

Such a dichotomy, and such a telling statement of how far the Republican party has fallen.

Again, I believe to impeach that rumpTus would be a mistake, for one because with his support hovering around 40% there is a strong chance of failure, and that failure would embolden the creep even further, give him far more power, and probably GROW his base.

Instead, votes in November to Democrats will turn the balance of power, and let the murky lies and corruption that seeps from his pores chip away at him, and at that base of support he relies on. In time, destroying the repubs, and perhaps from the ashes can rise a more balanced, more middle way party that ACTUALLY serves the people before themselves.

Yet, to be fair, both sides of the aisle need to give their collective heads a shake, and perhaps remember what their friggin’ job is, which, many would seem to have forgotten, to serve the WE and not the HE.

2 thoughts on “He, We, His Ancestry, And A Soldier Dies

  1. I was angry (not offended) when the Traitor said Sen McCain wasn’t a hero because he was captured.
    The short tweet the Big T sent was unneeded. We’ve heard enough from him.

    I wish his family the greatest sympathy for their loss.

    John McCain was a reasonable Republican. The old style Republican who had differdnt views from Dems , but also helped get compromises without bullying or threatening.

    Then for awhile he got hard and mean. When I heard him speak I would ask : what happened to him?Maybe it was the beginning of the brain cancer.

    Later, the Senator seemed to come back, told us he had cancer and went back to work.
    RIP Sen John McCain.

    Liked by 1 person

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