Unveiling Greenhaven: A Neverending Epic Fantasy Journey Begins

Cocooned within the bustling expanse of a modern city, is Greenhaven. Some of you will, of course, recognize the place, and the stories, and probably wonder what I was up to.

So, this is an announcement, of a sort. Not a revelation, per se, but more of an acknowledgement, a sort of line in the sand for myself, really.

Well, as you know if you’ve been here for a spell, Greenhaven is sort of one of those mystical thresholds, where the veil between worlds is perilously thin and the air is thick with enchantment.

In truth, Greenhaven, or the seedling of it, began in 2015. A tale began to reveal itself to me. Characters, ideas, places, mysteries, and it wouldn’t let go. So I wrote it down, began to explore this village, these characters, this place that is a place, but not a real place, but kind of a real place.

Back at the time, it was merely wisps of a story, a place, an idea.

Sooooo….. let’s just say, a new adventure is in the works on The Temenos Journal—beginning this month, I will start publishing my epic fantasy story, “The Chronicles of Greenhaven,” chapter by chapter. This tale has been simmering in the cauldrons of my imagination for a decade now, and it’s finally time to bring it to life.

You will have seen bits and bobs of this tale, but these threads of tales are woven together into a tapestry, an epic fantasy story set in a mystical village inspired by the very one I live in today.

For the past year, my writing took a mystical pause as I ventured into the realm of the tangible with the creation of my Etsy Shop, Temenos Grove. There, I’ve been weaving together a world of whimsy and fantasy, crafting artifacts and artworks that embody the spirit and mystique of my Greenhaven, and its mystical surrounding landscape. This gallery of tales, much like the story I am telling, is a sanctuary for those who seek solace in the otherworldly, those who find beauty in the arcane and delight in the dance of shadows and lore.

“The Chronicles of Greenhaven” is more than just a story; it’s an evolving tapestry of myth and magic. As you follow the lives of the characters—some a creature or spirit of the otherworld —you’ll be transported to a place where magic not only exists but thrives under the cover of the ancient trees of this untouched village. This ongoing saga will be freely accessible, a neverending tale where each chapter adds layers to our intricate world, inviting readers to lose themselves in a narrative as rich and boundless as the landscapes it explores.

Join me as I reveal the mysteries and splendours of Greenhaven. If you find yourself enchanted by the weave of my digital quill, consider wandering through the curated collections of Temenos Grove on Etsy, where the whimsical, mystical, and magical come to life.

Through this blog, we shall not just share a story, but foster a community of dreamers and believers, each post unveiling a new chapter in this neverending story, all set in a village that time almost forgot, but magic remembered.

BOOK ONE: Enchantments Veil


The Encounter

Ah, my dear reader, allow me to take you on a journey through the mists of time and the depths of the unknown. It was there, amidst the ancient ruins cloaked in shadows, that he first stumbled upon my ethereal presence. The air was heavy with the weight of centuries, and yet he remained oblivious to my subtle influence, as mortals often do. Unbeknownst to him, our paths had crossed, and the invisible thread of fate had woven our destinies together.

Such encounters are but fleeting whispers in the tapestry of existence, and I, a mere observer in the grand theater of life, have always cherished solitude and the veiled cloak of anonymity. Yet, as you delve into the intricacies of this tale, you shall come to understand the enigmatic nature of my being, and the captivating allure of the unknown. So, my dear reader, let us embark upon this winding tale of mystery and revelation, where the boundaries of reality blur and the truth is a fleeting specter in the corridors of time.

They, he, them, had unearthed things that had lain dormant for thousands of years. He had pinched, and saved, and done everything he could, short of giving up his apartment and living on the street, apparently. It had taken everything he had to get to this land of Abram.

I don’t know what it was about this man, so far away from his home, so troubled. Thousands of miles away from his Northern lands, digging up things he knew next to nothing about.

Out of all the others that streamed across my lands for these eons, why that day, why him?

Something resonated deep within the bowels of the earth that day. I sensed something shift. And fluttering out of the slumber that had consumed me for so very long, and in time imprisoned me, it was this mysterious human who filled my vision, and stirred something deep within.

A young man. Dark in countenance, quiet, with a spark of the other about him. Something.

With all the battles that have raged across this ancient land, and across this earth, broken and battered were we. With all the deaths. With all that, all that darkness, greed, rage, I turned away and left you 5-fingered upright beasts to your own burdens.

The ancient battle wounds still bled, but I ignored the pain. Until he came… back? Probably not. Probably not.


I clung to him. And when he finally returned to his cold Northern land, I stayed with him.

I escaped.

And that has made all the difference.

And what transpired from this strange encounter, you may inquire, and what possible purpose would there be for one such as I in Northern lands? Yes. What indeed.

And, who am I?

We shall see.

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