‘We hold these truths to be self-evident’, they wrote

A girlfriend and I last week were outside in the garden chatting, stories from the past summer, plans for the fall, catching up. I mentioned to her how when an old friend was visiting I had been stumped as to where to take her for some historical adventures. London is rather lacking in this history stuff – unlike our namesake over the pond – as … Continue reading ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident’, they wrote

Our Diversity Is Our Superpower, So Why Is America Squandering Theirs?

Growing up in a village in Southwestern Ontario in rural farming country, we had three churches, one Anglican, a United and a Presbyterian, if you were Catholic you had to go to London. There were two public schools for kids from either side of the river, and one high school with on average 400 or so students, and almost everyone I knew looked like me. … Continue reading Our Diversity Is Our Superpower, So Why Is America Squandering Theirs?

My Divided Family, How I Deal With It And Where I Draw My Lines

Last time dad was up for a visit, my sister and I got into a discussion about dad and Trump and all this, and she was upset. Clearly upset, and confused, she was upset at this, my blog and what I was writing. Not only my writing really, but my writing in regards our father, and if I really thought he was racist? Did I … Continue reading My Divided Family, How I Deal With It And Where I Draw My Lines

The Future Of American Politics And The Fresh Faces Of Congress Who Are Paving The Way

Concerning the world of American politics I admit to being a bit of a newbie. Actually, and to be completely honest, I began this journey down the rabbit hole writing about the chaos and division threatening the land down yonder where I was born without a clear understanding of the system, so I’ve been learning about how they do things, what things they can do, … Continue reading The Future Of American Politics And The Fresh Faces Of Congress Who Are Paving The Way

More Ramblings Of An Idealistic News Junkie

Basically how I start my day is sipping away that black and bitter, with a bit of sweet, from my french press brew, The Globe and Mail, maybe some Guardian, a YouTube vid, perhaps once in a while I hold my nose and watch Fox, well, rarely if I’m honest. Perusing the news before work. Digest it, jot down notes, maybe write about, eventually, think … Continue reading More Ramblings Of An Idealistic News Junkie