Ol’ Enoch and the Angels

I’ve been but skimming the surface of Early Christianity lately, and finding all sorts of nuggets of wisdom hidden under the folds. I find these early philosophies of peace, self-discovery, and grace, rather tantalizing. Some of these groups are thought to be very ancient, and precede the first century A.D., and even are thought to come from “ancient Maji tradition descended from the most ancient … Continue reading Ol’ Enoch and the Angels

Rough Guide to the Apocrypha

Once again, I find myself consumed by documentaries into early Christianity. I’ve had this fascination with The Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Apocyrypha for years now. Every once in a while I’ll be tantalized by some new piece of the puzzle. One could say I have the tail of this biblical muse, and I suppose I must take it wherever it wants me to go. apocrypha, (from Greek apokryptein, “to … Continue reading Rough Guide to the Apocrypha

Notes in my Journal

Late Night Notes on the Divine

I fell asleep last night all curled up in front of my laptop, with the strains of this doc on The Gnostic and Heretical Gospels, ringing through my dreams. Fascinating program, and a rather hot (IMHO) Anglican Priest as the Narrator – Peter Owen-Jones. I had been flipping through some videos related to the discovery and preservation of the Gospel of Judas Papyri found in … Continue reading Late Night Notes on the Divine