At The Age Of Giving Zero Fock-A-Roonies, And How I Got Here – the 4th letter to the prettiest girl in town

Whilst tapping the proverbial foot, I await this thing I have avoided for over a decade. Queued, with no particular place to go, I await this call that will determine the date of removal of what remains of my shoddy munchers, as I dream of the day my teeth no longer make me look like a homeless crack whore. Then go out and get the … Continue reading At The Age Of Giving Zero Fock-A-Roonies, And How I Got Here – the 4th letter to the prettiest girl in town

Why Margaret Atwood Is Not A Bad Feminist

First, it was Weinstein, wasn’t it? And then the next day there was someone else, and another, and Kevin Spacey, which was sort of different, and then someone else turns up the very next day, and then whoosh, #metoo is born in this storm and you can feel the energy. That righteous indignation fueling awards shows, the hope, the tired of you blawdy men pawing … Continue reading Why Margaret Atwood Is Not A Bad Feminist

Would Jane Play Hockey?

“I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.” ― Jane Austen, Persuasion Mom, I don’t envy your granddaughters, growing up amongst this interconnected, opinionated, expectant, perfect seeking, exposed and socialized society. Media professing save the earth, woman’s rights, and wrongs. The door … Continue reading Would Jane Play Hockey?