Puppy On Guard

A Strange Kinda Freedom In Lockdown, And A Puppy Dog On Guard For Me

After washing my underwear in the sink, which BTW mom is very satisfying, and by doing most of my laundry in the sink on an as needed basis I don’t have to see people. WINNING. Now I shall spend the rest of my day daydreaming on the stoop, or we will. Yesterday spent the afternoon out there, watching Pika poke about all the things that … Continue reading A Strange Kinda Freedom In Lockdown, And A Puppy Dog On Guard For Me

So Mom, Let Me Tell Ya Bout The Great Arachnid Hunter And Other Pleasing Anecdotes For Fear

The days now kind of just melt together, and I lose track of what day it is. Weekends have meant very little for some time, but now day and night have become interchangeable, merely long stretches of waking life, interspersed with long pauses for sleep. Mornings, try as I might to stay up later, well, mornings happen way too early. My schedule is all whacked … Continue reading So Mom, Let Me Tell Ya Bout The Great Arachnid Hunter And Other Pleasing Anecdotes For Fear

A Letter To My Dead Mom Where I Tell Her About The COVIdiots And How I’ve Learned To Cope With Lockdown Anxiety

Blissful hermit isn’t exactly the way I’d describe my confinement, and any suggestion of that I may have given is bull poop on a Popsicle stick. As you well know, panic, anxiety and depression runs rampant throughout our family tree, on both sides of that 49th, twisting and tying us in knots, though some of us more than others. So, for me, keeping this anxiety … Continue reading A Letter To My Dead Mom Where I Tell Her About The COVIdiots And How I’ve Learned To Cope With Lockdown Anxiety