More Ramblings Of An Idealistic News Junkie

Basically how I start my day is sipping away that black and bitter, with a bit of sweet, from my french press brew, The Globe and Mail, maybe some Guardian, a YouTube vid, perhaps once in a while I hold my nose and watch Fox, well, rarely if I’m honest. Perusing the news before work. Digest it, jot down notes, maybe write about, eventually, think … Continue reading More Ramblings Of An Idealistic News Junkie

Lest I Forget

Last week a friend and I were sitting around his filthy kitchen table, amidst the chaos of his filthy little apartment, off on various tangents, theoretical and so forth, politics, environment etc. He’d been talking about how he was raised to have manners, to have respect, say please and thank you. Although, apparently not raised to clean up after himself, but I digress. Manners, as … Continue reading Lest I Forget

So What Happens When The Barbarians Grow Up?

Back at the cottage Tim and I would be watching one of my history programs on Satellite ( Time Team reruns from the BBC usually) and Tim would sometimes ask who pays for all this? ,or, why do they care? Cause he certainly didn’t care. I mean, to him, short of gold and silver bobbles or weaponry, minute shards of pottery and stains in the … Continue reading So What Happens When The Barbarians Grow Up?

Christmas Back in Dodge

Why I’m Keeping My Mouth Shut For Christmas

It felt strange, to speak up and make my presence known, seemed tantamount to talking to the TV, yet, I forced myself to say “that’s my stop, it’s after the A&W“. To which the copper-haired girl turned her shiny black cat lady sunglasses towards me, and I felt exposed. With her alabaster skin and the stud in her lip and her worn leather jacket. The older … Continue reading Why I’m Keeping My Mouth Shut For Christmas

Hockey Arena

Growing Up With A Stick In Her Hand

Hockey in Canada is BIG (case ya didn’t know). This week THE HOMESTEAD was all abuzz as my oldest niece on Sunday won Gold at the Women’s Hockey Association Provincials’. Dang, it’s for me beyond words and I’m so incredibly proud. With stick in hand, this young girl defends the line for her team. Watchful, patient and determined, she is a true team player. For … Continue reading Growing Up With A Stick In Her Hand

Rough Guide to the Apocrypha

Once again, I find myself consumed by documentaries into early Christianity. I’ve had this fascination with The Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Apocyrypha for years now. Every once in a while I’ll be tantalized by some new piece of the puzzle. One could say I have the tail of this biblical muse, and I suppose I must take it wherever it wants me to go. apocrypha, (from Greek apokryptein, “to … Continue reading Rough Guide to the Apocrypha

Notes in my Journal

Late Night Notes on the Divine

I fell asleep last night all curled up in front of my laptop, with the strains of this doc on The Gnostic and Heretical Gospels, ringing through my dreams. Fascinating program, and a rather hot (IMHO) Anglican Priest as the Narrator – Peter Owen-Jones. I had been flipping through some videos related to the discovery and preservation of the Gospel of Judas Papyri found in … Continue reading Late Night Notes on the Divine

Lost in Helium Spheres | Part Three

I realize as I am wandering through these pages that there are today threads entangled still within my present. As much as I let go of so much already, there are still a few small unhealed wounds … and they started around this time. Paul had become an important part of my life for almost 6 years, over half of my marriage. The flowing strains … Continue reading Lost in Helium Spheres | Part Three