The Ups And Downs Of Ignorance And The Rise Of Fascism

As a student of history, a person who spends as much time watching documentaries and TV progs on ancient history as I do crime drama’s or leftist YouTube channels, I sometimes suppose my perspective is a bit different. Basically, because once you begin to look back, and the farther that one goes back, you do begin to see these patterns, the rising and falling of … Continue reading The Ups And Downs Of Ignorance And The Rise Of Fascism

Of Locke And The Tabula Rasa

After the, ahem, unimpeachable Trump, after the pompous chaotic command is relinquished, when he is finally gone from office, past whatever happens tomorrow, the day after, next month, next year, what will be will be. Sure… yes I’ve been thinking…what a shock…but lately more on that time after, and what new things can be built, dreamed up now, philosophized, look back in order to look … Continue reading Of Locke And The Tabula Rasa

Rambles On Rawls And The Veil Of Ignorance

At the heart of today’s GOP lie the alt-right neo-con white nationalists, the conservative extremist movement born out of Gingrich’s rib and dominating their particular worldview of a society born out of fear and hate that has no room for all the beauty and strength of a just society, a moral society, an inclusive society. The time where everyone was cordoned off into some pre-conceived … Continue reading Rambles On Rawls And The Veil Of Ignorance