Let’s Start With A Tree Named Fred

Fred The Ficus - thetemenosjournal.com

For some reason, beyond the realm of matter, distance, and time, I have had to pull this post out of me. I have not written for months, and this post has been dragged out of me kicking and screaming. For months, and months now the words get stuck, I am stuck.

I miss writing. I love writing. I feel like a piece of me is missing without it. So, I took the challenge.


Yet, this nanopoblano seems a daunting task. Add to that, a horrible chest cold from hell that took hold of me October 31st and has not let go, and I’m struggling.

But, I refuse to let it stop me. Dang it all, I’ve paid money to increase my media storage on this decade old blog o’mine, just so I could participate in this month of November Blogging Challenge… and late or not… here I am.

So, figured I’d start with Fred.

Yes, a tree named Fred. Fred is a Ficus Benjamina, and I’ve had him for going on almost 30 years now. He was a rescue, as his next step was the garbage dump. I dragged him home, cleaned him up, found him a new pot, and he thrived. In those first years he even would give you a little tingle on your palm if you put it up to his leaves about an inch away… you could feel him.

Today I also have little pieces of Fred, propagations I’ve taken – I’d like to Bonsai one of them – for now I just like to have bits of Fred around. So, there’s Fred Jr, Fredrika & Freda.

I’ve blogged about Fred many times before, as he has been with me through it all.

In a way, maybe this post is like a new beginning? I don’t know. But I thought I’d start with Fred.

So, from my archives, here are a few tales of Fred… through these last 10 years on The Temenos Journal.

6 thoughts on “Let’s Start With A Tree Named Fred

    1. I know, eh? It really blew me away. I had read it was possible, but never actually thought it would be so… real. But, all living things have a… energy I guess it’s called… but it’s usually at a ‘quantum’ level we can’t feel. But, Fred just back then had this real happy vibe, and he let er shine. )


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