84th Draft Dredged Up From The Brink: An Old South Dog

I widdle away at them, empty post here with a great big long title, quite a few with no title and no content, out with the lot of ya, and so I came to this one.

Well, the Golden bombshell blond has aged and adjusted to city life, she turned 10 this last May, so she’s a senior and thus has calmed down the be-ya-tch in the intervening years. First drafted November 23rd, 2013, she still remains as tenacious and stubborn as ever. I admit I have never had the courage to take her shopping around town with me, if only from fear of those chance encounters.

Pics featured are from back in my photo library, previous to 2016 at various sites around Old South and downtown London along the pathway that follows along the river.

irish and i at the forks of the thames - thetemenosjournal.com
at the forks of the Thames – water feature at the core of downtown London, Ontario, Sept. 20th, 2015

They enjoy a uncommon freedom, here in the heart of old south. They can be found in banks and hardware stores alike. The first Sunday I was here I came upon my first, a dog and companion came towards me from one of the aisles, also looking for light bulbs.

I laughed, and had this vision of Irish, taking out some female Yorkie or something over in the outdoor aisle. Irish does not care for other female dogs, and thus chance encounters with other canines can be ify affairs. She’s learning, but still, there is the odd occasion still that she forgets, which means a wee bit of “coaching”.

I want to someday be able to not have to worry she’ll bring out the “alpha bitch”.


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