The Last Unposted Post: a rambling pirate from the past

Gathering all this together, all these stories, one by one, unposted posted going back to the early months of 2013, almost at the beginning of this blog, unsaid has been said, and now I ponder the ghosts of my own past and all the crooks and characters that made me, and in that regard, this post is a bit different than the others. Now, other … Continue reading The Last Unposted Post: a rambling pirate from the past

A 15th Too: The Man, The Guilty, And Euston

Now, a couple tidbits that living with a narcissist taught me is first off, that any attention for them is good attention, they’ll take it all, any which way and Sunday sideways. Two, there can be only one, numero UNO, and that is their higher purpose to all else, contrary to whatever they say or bribe you with. And so here are some of those … Continue reading A 15th Too: The Man, The Guilty, And Euston

the sky -

A 16th: it is solitude

Poem from May 3rd, 2018 it is asolitudeof skyi decidejust nowin the monthof Maybut nottoday Someone said, probably Shakespeare, that “all good things must come to an end”, and so the day of D3’s departure came with nary a hitch, and Sue and I, her friends with him forever, me these last 3 years, stood in the driveway with tears running down both our faces as … Continue reading A 16th: it is solitude

The 19th Draft: Before And After Rose

For the longest time, I felt as though there was something I was missing or was missing in me, something, I was looking for in every eye, every guy, every word, as if, this person really, would be the one I’m seeking and the hollowness inside would disappear.  Geesh, should have known it was a gad dang bike I was hunting for, would never have … Continue reading The 19th Draft: Before And After Rose

Carpenters Workshop -

The 21st: Before The Dawn Of Simplicity

Progressing through these posts, one by one, with a little trepidation, and reading each only maybe twice through, first to read and then again to fix the most garish mistakes and not touch them again, after adding my two cents, or a dollar’s worth.  Of these days of early spring I do recall but hazily, as consumed was my mind on that leaving of a … Continue reading The 21st: Before The Dawn Of Simplicity

sofie listening to me -

… and a 22nd: On Losing A Friend

Been raining since the dawn, as I began to hear the pitter patter of it outside my window, and so it rained all day. I find myself inside, admiring a refresh of the wee abode, with the harmonizing of my colour scheme and hence given me OOooooMmmmm moments of happiness as I pass through from room to room. Simple things, little things, but big things, … Continue reading … and a 22nd: On Losing A Friend

And The 23rd: In Winter I Go Whacky

She was never tame, never domestic, strong-willed, soundly made, and skeptical, having spent the first decade or so of her life on the streets of Old East London, the trendy “rough” part of the downtown core. Started hanging around D3’s girlfriend’s house, and eventually having gained her trust they took her in, had her fixed, and so began her life as a cat companion, rather … Continue reading And The 23rd: In Winter I Go Whacky

Black-eyed Peas, New Years Day 2018 -

The 32nd Unposted Post: More We, Less Me & Some Black-eyed Peas, Please

There are firsts for everything, and so the one resolution I’ve ever made came to fruition, YEAH ME! In the Southern United States, eating black–eyed peas or Hoppin’ John (a traditional soul food) on New Year’s Day is thought to bring prosperity in the new year. … Two popular explanations for the South’s association with peas and good luck dates back to the American Civil War. Wikipedia And did it work? I think it … Continue reading The 32nd Unposted Post: More We, Less Me & Some Black-eyed Peas, Please

The 35th: Boho And Buzzard Lore

Why didn’t I post this? I don’t know, stories left untold, fear of waking the dead? Actually, these were originally three separate drafts from the same day, but I stitched them together.  Today Tim usually feels very far away and long, long ago, like a myth, a fairy tale. But, still, he creeps in once in a while, reminds me not to falter, or forget. … Continue reading The 35th: Boho And Buzzard Lore

The 38th Mistake: Doing What You’re Not Suppose To

I’d forgotten, actually, that he used to show up at my door late at night, drunk. This feels like such a long ago and far away place, but it is only just under a year and a half old, and maybe I was too ashamed I guess to post it, as by this point it was supposed to be all done and dusted.  Almost, but … Continue reading The 38th Mistake: Doing What You’re Not Suppose To

And Here’s The 39th: my imperfect self

Well, it was May and I had sat here for maybe a minute and a half enjoying the birds at the feeder before the squirrel found it and hence began the squirrel wars. Enjoying the gymnastics was Irish’s new favourite thing, and my obsession, as I tried to prevent it, and at this point I had as well begun to insert my particular slant on … Continue reading And Here’s The 39th: my imperfect self