crossroads man in the garden with me

And The 51st Can See The Light: how do you buy a bag of milk?

There was a time when I could go through a litre of milk, just get up, open the fridge, and drink glass after glass, hungrily, gobbling it up like I was starved of it. Mom would say she’d always go out and buy extra if she knew I was coming for a visit, so she’d have milk for her coffee the next morning.  These posts … Continue reading And The 51st Can See The Light: how do you buy a bag of milk?

On To The 60th: what happens when you’re dancing to a Latin beat

I suppose one can get the impression with these kinds of little look backs that this me writing this has it all sorted, ducks in a row, and you would be wrong. Ducks might be paddlin’ in the same pond, but nope, not in a row. Absolutely, spectacularly not that organized. Although I will say, I’ve always somewhat eschewed order, in favour of a little … Continue reading On To The 60th: what happens when you’re dancing to a Latin beat

The 64th Post Pulled From Purgatory: Underneath Her Heart

I’ve recognized a few things in going thru these old drafts,  one of which is that I am more of a Ken Burns sort of storyteller, then I am a Stephen King. And, that I’ve shifted gears, going with the flow might be more correct, and that real life is far better than any fiction. Suppose this post is also about why I do what I … Continue reading The 64th Post Pulled From Purgatory: Underneath Her Heart

Beal 2016

That Man

After I’d spend the day occupying myself with a walk downtown. After buying Himalayan Salt at the market, after Sushi for lunch, and after wandering past the old BealArt stomping grounds (which is now a basketball court), after, I came home. But I was still wracked with this need to reach out to him. But I maintained ‘radio silence. I was silent. Completely silent. I … Continue reading That Man

Down to the coves

Thank You For The Experience, Dude, Cheerio

Well, apparently, from what I read and experienced of late it is my wide open door nature and my faith in humanity that causes some of my difficulties. I guess I need to say NO more. Although, I’ve also come a long way since Tim. Don’t know if you read that post of mine from yesterday Mom yet, but been processing some cold truths. Taking … Continue reading Thank You For The Experience, Dude, Cheerio

An Epicurean Way

To Sue, he is ‘Uncle Dick. To her daughter he’s D3. To me, he is Crossroad.Man. I don’t even know what to think. You know, I’ve been writing this post for a week now. And every day something changed. Kept going back, re-editing, changing my approach, dancing, dancing. Around. As the script changed. Lets not get into the details, really. Certainly the details are significant. … Continue reading An Epicurean Way