The Coves - Pond - London, Ontario, Canada

Yeah, So Who Gets To Come Through The Hedgerow?

Sitting out on the stoop earlier this afternoon, watching the village go by, as I distract myself from the panic attack I was having. Various cars pulling into the bank, only to find it closed, amuses me. Like some secret only I know, and have no way of warning them, nor would I, if I could. Watch as the little girl blows bubbles out front, … Continue reading Yeah, So Who Gets To Come Through The Hedgerow?

The Return to Innocence, Poopy Cramps, And Other Stuff

Originally my plan had been to have her fixed this fall with my bonus money. Well, no job, no bonus money, no fix. So, off into that growing pile, like all the rest of it, like my no good rotten horrible teeth. No idea how this will all work this year mom, my teeth, her, and all. So lil Ms Pika-lou-lou started her first heat … Continue reading The Return to Innocence, Poopy Cramps, And Other Stuff

Oh, Ya, This Is Bringing Up Some Ghosts Of Grey For Me

Solitude I have learned… it energizes me. I’m more creative on my own, when I’m locked away in some secret garden… not outside the world, just hidden from the world. I dream of one day living on some plot of land, maybe with a little river or stream burbling by, with a sunny spot for a veggie plot. Live in a Tiny House, a place … Continue reading Oh, Ya, This Is Bringing Up Some Ghosts Of Grey For Me

Another Letter, Life In Lockdown Of Your Favourite Heathen Introvert, And A Life Hack

You know, I look around me, and this space pleases me, brings me joy. The colours, the light, everything here is soothing and suits me. I have found that there is often a big difference between what I thought would make me happy, and what actually does. I mean, joy can be illusive. Course, if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t feel so good when it does … Continue reading Another Letter, Life In Lockdown Of Your Favourite Heathen Introvert, And A Life Hack

SIMS And Lice And That Distracting Device

My temper can be rather ballistic, when I’m not paying attention, when I’m just blasting off randomly in a rage, like after somehow or other losing my SIM card from my phone last night. You know, one of the micro, minuscule black micro SD’s, which was the catastrophe to begin the last hours of my night. Outside puffing, enjoying the brisk air (not), and see … Continue reading SIMS And Lice And That Distracting Device