The Politics Of Distraction, And Why The Republican Controlled Senate Is Doing Nothing To Protect U.S. Elections

In and around the dawns early light, I stumble out of bed and zombie walk to the door to let my old dog out, so she doesn’t pee on the floor. It’s my morning ritual, of late, from experience of mopping the floor when I fail to recognize the urgency in her cold nose when she wakes me, that I have seconds not minutes or … Continue reading The Politics Of Distraction, And Why The Republican Controlled Senate Is Doing Nothing To Protect U.S. Elections

Feed The Bees

Lately I often wonder if the next domino will be the Laws Of Gravity, as the world seems more topsy-turvy every single day. The news reads like I’ve woke inside the opening credits of some post-apocalyptic movie, as the film scrolls out the mistakes that people made, giving the background, something like the opening of Star Wars. Common are open displays of racism unheard of … Continue reading Feed The Bees

More Ramblings Of An Idealistic News Junkie

Basically how I start my day is sipping away that black and bitter, with a bit of sweet, from my french press brew, The Globe and Mail, maybe some Guardian, a YouTube vid, perhaps once in a while I hold my nose and watch Fox, well, rarely if I’m honest. Perusing the news before work. Digest it, jot down notes, maybe write about, eventually, think … Continue reading More Ramblings Of An Idealistic News Junkie

spring garden 2018 - May -

Thru My Arbour There Is A Place

Through the hedge is another country, the great “out there”, as it were. Often you’ll find me basking in the shadows made by the Black Walnut Trees that surround this little place I call home, dripping their toxicity, allowing only woodlanders to thrive, and dismissing the dalliances of species that do not belong – VIP only. Black walnut is allopathic, as it excretes chemicals into … Continue reading Thru My Arbour There Is A Place

A Dreambook Of Spring Things

That day the rain just kept coming down, and down, and for a brief few hours we had a reprieve from the long bitter cold grip we had been in, as the thermometer rose up to places it hadn’t been since fall, some danced barefoot on the sidewalks (ok, maybe just Jane), washing away all the dirty snow, and there in my mailbox I spied … Continue reading A Dreambook Of Spring Things