Words & Images

Since about 3 months into this blog, I’ve been trying to separate words from my images. I started posting photos, and after a while I realized that I was getting most of my hits from my photos…but of course, that wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted hits on my words. How arrogant is that? Not to say that EVERY photo I post everyone loves, far … Continue reading Words & Images

Why an Irish Catholic Priest was in an Anglican Church

[in the photo – L to R – Great Grandpa and GrandmaC, in behind them my GrandpaD, Aunt Jo, Uncle Burt and Aunt Lex (the bride and groom), GrandmD of course front and centre, no idea who that is over grandmaD’s shoulder, but beside him is Uncle Jack, and the next are also unknown, but I assume the guy with the collar was the minister] … Continue reading Why an Irish Catholic Priest was in an Anglican Church

From the Desk of Paula

Good Things

Alas, my wait is at an end and this chick is gainfully EMPLOYED. WOOT WOOT !!!!! and HALLELUJAH When I was leaving the interview, the interviewer says “don’t worry, I was were you are 2 years ago. It will be ok.” Man. He was my age, actually, he said he chose my file because I graduated from High School the same year he did. Imagine … Continue reading Good Things

FB Me Please

Quantum Entanglement “Two particles can become entangled so that they retain a connection even when separated over long distances. The properties between the two are correlated so that an action performed in one affect the other” [from LifeScience.com] So this whole entanglement thing is really nothing new. Facebook merely puts the players on a different stage, enlarges the scope of visibility, and digitizes the components … Continue reading FB Me Please

the silence of ONE

Sometimes I find myself slipping away. Inside myself, like a turtle. With all this activity here at my sisters, the times that I actually have to myself are fricken precious. It can be so difficult sometimes to constantly have to be … I don’t know…I’m not even sure what the word is … quiet? Patient? Dispassionate? On? I’m not certain there is an english word … Continue reading the silence of ONE

50 ahead

The Interview

Had my first interview for a job in a decade on Monday. So I spent the entire weekend in mental preparations. Plus I had to gather my work references, which was nerve-wracking as I haven’t actually worked (in the sense they mean) in over 4 years. I did work, and I’m proud of what I accomplished in that time. Then I was a caregiver for … Continue reading The Interview