Another Letter, Life In Lockdown Of Your Favourite Heathen Introvert, And A Life Hack

You know, I look around me, and this space pleases me, brings me joy. The colours, the light, everything here is soothing and suits me. I have found that there is often a big difference between what I thought would make me happy, and what actually does. I mean, joy can be illusive. Course, if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t feel so good when it does … Continue reading Another Letter, Life In Lockdown Of Your Favourite Heathen Introvert, And A Life Hack

the stick he left behind

Hell Hath No Fury Like When My Hosta’s Are Smashed

So, have I mentioned I hate humans? Hate might be a strong word, let’s say instead dislike. Why you ask? Well, because they can’t be trusted, have disloyal tendencies, self-interested, and you turn your back for one minute and they’re stealing your stuff and picking fights with one another, and right outside my door, trampling my garden, wrecked the Grandiflora Hosta, and left their friggin’ … Continue reading Hell Hath No Fury Like When My Hosta’s Are Smashed

SIMS And Lice And That Distracting Device

My temper can be rather ballistic, when I’m not paying attention, when I’m just blasting off randomly in a rage, like after somehow or other losing my SIM card from my phone last night. You know, one of the micro, minuscule black micro SD’s, which was the catastrophe to begin the last hours of my night. Outside puffing, enjoying the brisk air (not), and see … Continue reading SIMS And Lice And That Distracting Device