Truth And Lies In A Time Of Selfies

As my bag of tissue fills up, *sniff sniff* … *atchoooo*, so I’ve been home sick, horizontal fading in and out between old Time Team specials, or vertical in my chair perusing the news, as it steamrolled through. Which of course also means that Pika Poo had my undivided attention, and spent her time between my lap, or skidding o’er the vinyl floor after a … Continue reading Truth And Lies In A Time Of Selfies

Impeachment, Though, You Know, Que Sera Sera, And A Quid Nor A Quo, Even So

With the new puppy taking up my time, lavishing me with Pika poo, and playing squeaky toy games with Stink, I’ve engaged in less politics, read less, watched less. Pondering, I suppose, more pondering of late than opinions. No conclusions, though. Finding myself more and more with this desire to just stand back, watch, listen, absorb what is unfolding, but not engage with it. High … Continue reading Impeachment, Though, You Know, Que Sera Sera, And A Quid Nor A Quo, Even So

Impeaching We Will Go, Impeaching We Will Go, Hi Ho, Democracy, Impeaching We Will Go

The very roots of America lie in revolution, pushing off the yoke of monarchy and aristocracy. Revolutions of ideas and ideals, fought for and hard won, not by committee but by blood. Arrogant, sure of itself, proud, free, spreading the gospel of democracy around the world. But, then something shifted. With the magnificent success of puppet in chief, the profits from Putin’s promises deposited, awaiting … Continue reading Impeaching We Will Go, Impeaching We Will Go, Hi Ho, Democracy, Impeaching We Will Go