From the Desk of Paula

Good Things

Alas, my wait is at an end and this chick is gainfully EMPLOYED. WOOT WOOT !!!!! and HALLELUJAH When I was leaving the interview, the interviewer says “don’t worry, I was were you are 2 years ago. It will be ok.” Man. He was my age, actually, he said he chose my file because I graduated from High School the same year he did. Imagine … Continue reading Good Things

FB Me Please

Quantum Entanglement “Two particles can become entangled so that they retain a connection even when separated over long distances. The properties between the two are correlated so that an action performed in one affect the other” [from] So this whole entanglement thing is really nothing new. Facebook merely puts the players on a different stage, enlarges the scope of visibility, and digitizes the components … Continue reading FB Me Please

the silence of ONE

Sometimes I find myself slipping away. Inside myself, like a turtle. With all this activity here at my sisters, the times that I actually have to myself are fricken precious. It can be so difficult sometimes to constantly have to be … I don’t know…I’m not even sure what the word is … quiet? Patient? Dispassionate? On? I’m not certain there is an english word … Continue reading the silence of ONE

50 ahead

The Interview

Had my first interview for a job in a decade on Monday. So I spent the entire weekend in mental preparations. Plus I had to gather my work references, which was nerve-wracking as I haven’t actually worked (in the sense they mean) in over 4 years. I did work, and I’m proud of what I accomplished in that time. Then I was a caregiver for … Continue reading The Interview