Bird and Monkey

Without Walls

Me again. So, the sun has finally managed to poke its way through the wall of fog that hemmed us in all morning. And, appropriately the Weekly Photo Challenge subject is WALL. So here are some walls Mom I think you’d enjoy. You’ll recognize a couple of them I would imagine…specifically THE REID’s CRYSTAL HALL wall. I’ve actually finally traced some of those ancestors back … Continue reading Without Walls

Trails of Transformation

It stands on the edge of an area of London residents unlovingly once nicknamed “manure park”. This little pocket of paradise is a shining example of what can happen when people get together to turn things around. Euston Park is located in the ‘middle’ of the Coves Subwatershed. The 11-hectare site is a former municipal landfill and now exists as open space. Historical evidence indicates … Continue reading Trails of Transformation