Assassination, Retaliation, Instigation, Calculation, But Is He Just A Puppet On A String?

It was October 2002, and living in my highrise apartment at the edge of Lake Ontario, with my new job and Congress had just told Bush Jr to have at’r, bomb Baghdad back to the Stone Age. Based on lies and quasi-intelligence from questionable sources, and I remember watching Bushy selling his wares to the politicos in Washington, sitting in my sisters living room, yelling … Continue reading Assassination, Retaliation, Instigation, Calculation, But Is He Just A Puppet On A String?

Have Republicans Sold Their Soul For The Relevance They Were Too Scared To Achieve On Their Own?

Historians, the ones who eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, the ones who are sustained by it, who know it like the lines on the palm of their hands. The scholars, the ones with the long view of the world, who see the details of history in a context, to a depth that most of us can probably never truly grasp. So, well over … Continue reading Have Republicans Sold Their Soul For The Relevance They Were Too Scared To Achieve On Their Own?

A Little Rain On The Parade Of Boos

Last night the moron and chief was somehow convinced to attend a UFC match at Madison Square Gardens, and again, my twitter feed was filled with more booing towards arguably the most despised president in U.S. history. I didn’t watch any of them until this morning, but I take some satisfaction at watching the worst president in U.S. history getting his due, with a resounding … Continue reading A Little Rain On The Parade Of Boos

Impeaching We Will Go, Impeaching We Will Go, Hi Ho, Democracy, Impeaching We Will Go

The very roots of America lie in revolution, pushing off the yoke of monarchy and aristocracy. Revolutions of ideas and ideals, fought for and hard won, not by committee but by blood. Arrogant, sure of itself, proud, free, spreading the gospel of democracy around the world. But, then something shifted. With the magnificent success of puppet in chief, the profits from Putin’s promises deposited, awaiting … Continue reading Impeaching We Will Go, Impeaching We Will Go, Hi Ho, Democracy, Impeaching We Will Go

A Little Kompromat With An American Swing

Picture if you will the Secretary of State and the Attorney General of the United States running around the world with this rogue whackjob ex-Mayor of New York City spreading this debunked conspiracy to smear the presidents rival. Does take a bit to digest that these conspiracy theory nutjobs are running the show down there, imploding right before our eyes. Yet, in this fast-paced 280 … Continue reading A Little Kompromat With An American Swing

The Politics Of Distraction, And Why The Republican Controlled Senate Is Doing Nothing To Protect U.S. Elections

In and around the dawns early light, I stumble out of bed and zombie walk to the door to let my old dog out, so she doesn’t pee on the floor. It’s my morning ritual, of late, from experience of mopping the floor when I fail to recognize the urgency in her cold nose when she wakes me, that I have seconds not minutes or … Continue reading The Politics Of Distraction, And Why The Republican Controlled Senate Is Doing Nothing To Protect U.S. Elections