old train crashing out window of building

This Week: A Train Wreck In Fantasyland, Again

Whether they’re an anchor, a journalist or otherwise professional in the news cycle it has become like some sort of dance of the 7 veils to watch them avoid saying what they are thinking, trying to find other words to express their thoughts in a more professional manner, in regards anything having to do with this man who now haunts the hallowed halls of the … Continue reading This Week: A Train Wreck In Fantasyland, Again

Pompacity Or The New York Times?

Riding into work via taxi the other morning and the driver was listening to a radio program discussing with some experts Canada’s contracts with the Saudi’s, and what the next moves would be, should be, and so forth. It drew me in because the whole conversation seemed so alien at first and actually completely missed what they were actually saying since I was so struck … Continue reading Pompacity Or The New York Times?

Chitter Chatter Lets Get At ‘Er

Suppose I’ve always been a sucker for U.S. politics, as politics in Canada tend to be more staid, diplomatic, rather dry. In the U.S. every election is a grand show that crisscrosses the country, with verbal swipes and scandals and shenanigans lasting for months and months and months. On the other hand, in Canada, after a short campaign, a brief song and dance, sometimes scandal … Continue reading Chitter Chatter Lets Get At ‘Er

Kahuna’s In Their Stockings

After work dodging distracted drivers hurtling through the parking lot on their way home, or to shop, to hell, who knows, I hike as fast as my aching legs, hips and back can manage, through the darkened dinner hour to catch the bus, ideally all in one piece, focused intently on finally returning (retreating?) to my little nook, to home, to this temenos, this sanctuary. … Continue reading Kahuna’s In Their Stockings

chinese puppet - photo by Min Thein

What A Tangled Web He Weaves When First We Practice To Deceive

The beauty of my job is the people I work with. We are a team, and there is a real togetherness, a common front, a shared camaraderie that has often been commented on by various visitors from Head Office. That core, that allied front we display is, in fact, the very reason for the success of our location. It is also the success of any … Continue reading What A Tangled Web He Weaves When First We Practice To Deceive

silhouette of people standing neat tree under the moon

On The Mantle Of President

Didn’t realize this until recently, but Thomas Jefferson probably, though not exclusively, represents rather well the complicated beginnings of America, and the dichotomies. In a documentary I watched last night that complication, at once trying to influence those early founding fathers, getting them to see the African’s they had enslaved as individuals, thus giving them the rights and freedoms of all those who had immigrated … Continue reading On The Mantle Of President

Just another Idealist Rant, But, It Would Be Handy To Have a Judge On A Leash

Lately, I fully admit, I feel as though we are all being pulled in so many directions that it is difficult to know where to look, or even what I want to say about any of the divisive politics in the U.S. Yet, fear not,  I have no intention of giving in to that confusion, that sense of hopelessness. No way, not going to happen. … Continue reading Just another Idealist Rant, But, It Would Be Handy To Have a Judge On A Leash