A Feast Of Fall And Racism

After we stood around the counter, buffet style plates of turkey, beans, squash, potatoes, and stuffing, while MsB said grace, after our Thanksgiving feast, like four beached whales with our full bellies, out on the front porch in Dodge. A warm October evening,  I listened to Dad, MsB and Lex discussing the dismantling of colonial and Confederate figures and symbols, I sat quietly, said nothing,  mesmerized … Continue reading A Feast Of Fall And Racism

Christmas Back in Dodge

Why I’m Keeping My Mouth Shut For Christmas

It felt strange, to speak up and make my presence known, seemed tantamount to talking to the TV, yet, I forced myself to say “that’s my stop, it’s after the A&W“. To which the copper-haired girl turned her shiny black cat lady sunglasses towards me, and I felt exposed. With her alabaster skin and the stud in her lip and her worn leather jacket. The older … Continue reading Why I’m Keeping My Mouth Shut For Christmas


And now abideth faith, hope, and love, even these three: but the chiefest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 It was 3:30 AM and my legs were aching. Just finished two full out on the go day’s at work. Difficult days. Stressful days, filled with many complicated puzzles. But good, real, real good. I work with a team that makes it, a dare I … Continue reading Her

The Logistics Of Change, Lessons, And The Pursuit Of Happiness

“There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with people. Given a story to enact that puts them in accord with the world, they will live in accord with the world. But given a story to enact that puts them at odds with the world, as yours does, they will live at odds with the world. Given a story to enact in which they are the lords of the … Continue reading The Logistics Of Change, Lessons, And The Pursuit Of Happiness

Hockey Arena

Growing Up With A Stick In Her Hand

Hockey in Canada is BIG (case ya didn’t know). This week THE HOMESTEAD was all abuzz as my oldest niece on Sunday won Gold at the Women’s Hockey Association Provincials’. Dang, it’s for me beyond words and I’m so incredibly proud. With stick in hand, this young girl defends the line for her team. Watchful, patient and determined, she is a true team player. For … Continue reading Growing Up With A Stick In Her Hand

Sisters in the 70's - gold and green plaid sofa - thetemenosjournal.com

My Sister and I

We are different, my sister and I, but we’ve grown together over the years. It’s funny how time, space, and shared loss, and at one point or another, you find she has become essential. No longer the annoying hunk of flesh that your Mom’s loins disappointingly gave forth, but the voice on the end of the phone who knows all the essential details of your stories. … Continue reading My Sister and I

Living Amongst Gravestones and Ancestors

Last evening, once I had written my post, and settled down from yesterday’s ordeals…my sister calls… gotta listen to this song she says. [featured photo is me and Mom – c1970 – I was 3] Earlier she had done my, hit random and ask your question to the music “thang”…and this is what it gave her ~~ Coldplay’s latest album ‘Mylo Xyloto’ released in 2011 … Continue reading Living Amongst Gravestones and Ancestors

Stella, the Black Irish Lass~y

The Homestead has a new addition…her name is Stella. She is a 16 week old bundle of puppy goodness…with gigantic paws, and gangly legs. She is a hybrid/mutt…part this part that…just like her golden cousin, Irish. With her long legs, and her big, ol’paws, to say she looks awkward is an understatement…and of course as cute as a button. From her puppy dog eyes, down … Continue reading Stella, the Black Irish Lass~y