a field in grey county, ontario, canada - thetemenosjournal.com

87 Drafts And Counting: On Abandoned Byways

Some of these drafts are so far away and long ago, so removed, that they seem as though they were written by someone else, another me. This is definitely one of those, and there was a hesitation to post, but I suppose most of these will have a taste of that about them.  This one is again from the summer of 2013, a few months … Continue reading 87 Drafts And Counting: On Abandoned Byways

When A Village Parades

Sitting here chit-chatting away, completely wrapped up, sipping our beer, and we both heard the jingle of the Mocha Shriners shoes, and sure enough, out through my little hedgerow, through my little Hobbitshire way,  we could make out the brightly coloured fabric of their iconic wardrobe, with those swirling toe shoes causing them to take those exaggerated strides. He faded down the way to join … Continue reading When A Village Parades

A Feast Of Fall And Racism

After we stood around the counter, buffet style plates of turkey, beans, squash, potatoes, and stuffing, while MsB said grace, after our Thanksgiving feast, like four beached whales with our full bellies, out on the front porch in Dodge. A warm October evening,  I listened to Dad, MsB and Lex discussing the dismantling of colonial and Confederate figures and symbols, I sat quietly, said nothing,  mesmerized … Continue reading A Feast Of Fall And Racism

the stick he left behind

Hell Hath No Fury Like When My Hosta’s Are Smashed

So, have I mentioned I hate humans? Hate might be a strong word, let’s say instead dislike. Why you ask? Well, because they can’t be trusted, have disloyal tendencies, self-interested, and you turn your back for one minute and they’re stealing your stuff and picking fights with one another, and right outside my door, trampling my garden, wrecked the Grandiflora Hosta, and left their friggin’ … Continue reading Hell Hath No Fury Like When My Hosta’s Are Smashed

sunflower of august - thetemenosjournal.com

Crooks, Caterpillars, And A Cast Of Characters Colluding

I’m away for 3 days, and nada, no new news did I see, not a headline, I was oblivious. However, come Tuesday, and wham-bam-thank-you mam, all in one day. So, I think I’ll sprinkle this post with a goodly amount of completely unrelated photos from my weekend away, a different cast of characters from my usual fare, to soften the whole blitzkrieg of news over … Continue reading Crooks, Caterpillars, And A Cast Of Characters Colluding