crossing the bridge in the rain -

Of Miracles And Connections On A Rainy Day

Raining in this misty kinda way yesterday, and had to go downtown to pick up a new router from my ISP, hence the photographs I posted yesterday. You know, one stone two birds or whatever that phrase is. The streets were almost deserted, which made my photographic mission a bit more difficult, hard to take portraits, you know, with no subjects, but I prevailed. Ran … Continue reading Of Miracles And Connections On A Rainy Day

SIMS And Lice And That Distracting Device

My temper can be rather ballistic, when I’m not paying attention, when I’m just blasting off randomly in a rage, like after somehow or other losing my SIM card from my phone last night. You know, one of the micro, minuscule black micro SD’s, which was the catastrophe to begin the last hours of my night. Outside puffing, enjoying the brisk air (not), and see … Continue reading SIMS And Lice And That Distracting Device

A Dreambook Of Spring Things

That day the rain just kept coming down, and down, and for a brief few hours we had a reprieve from the long bitter cold grip we had been in, as the thermometer rose up to places it hadn’t been since fall, some danced barefoot on the sidewalks (ok, maybe just Jane), washing away all the dirty snow, and there in my mailbox I spied … Continue reading A Dreambook Of Spring Things