How The Mighty Have Fallen

So, watching American politics is by far more entertaining than it ever was, and that is saying quite a bit, eh? I mean, Donny boy is so great he almost makes the whole Clinton Impeachment look like a Hallmark movie, and Nixon, heck, after school special. Pft. Nope, ol’Trumpo has hisself a downright epic multi-season drama, maybe even an Academy Award-winning Film, or at least … Continue reading How The Mighty Have Fallen

These Things We Now Know To Be True

We believed certain things had been sorted, we knew what the good hats looked like, we thought we knew who the bad hats were. Many believed that only those with no moral fibre would disagree with those values, we thought only people with selfish reasons would object. Before and after defines today’s political landscape. That day in November 2016 some things changed. This new order, … Continue reading These Things We Now Know To Be True

And So I Return To The River, Down To My River To Celebrate New Truths

I turned around and she said“Why do you always end up down at Nick’s Cafe?”I said “I don’t know, the wind just kind of pushed me this way.”She said “Hang the rich.” Robbie Roberston, Somewhere Down The Crazy River Last weekend, after spending the night up kvetching over those dark nights of the raging soul with a new friend, I related my own suppressed rage … Continue reading And So I Return To The River, Down To My River To Celebrate New Truths

And The Roar Of The Crowd Is His License To Be The Mad King

Watching him the other day standing at the podium, clutching the lectern out there on the White House lawn, slowly and carefully reading from the teleprompter the prepared words, it almost seemed like he was just trying to keep himself upright, to say the words. He is coming undone, unravelling before our eyes. The job is hard, far easier to stand in the safety of … Continue reading And The Roar Of The Crowd Is His License To Be The Mad King