Does Trump Want To Be Impeached For the Production Value?

If you’ve ever been used, then you are familiar with that feeling, that sense of something off. Some of us have ignored it, unfortunately. Others have utilized that gut feeling to their advantage, sidestepping being duped. I’ve had the experience of both, and while I can not, will not say I am infallible, I have honed that muscle. Well, lately I’ve had that same feeling, … Continue reading Does Trump Want To Be Impeached For the Production Value?

Pansy-Bum And The Enablers

Ok, so over the weekend hell broke loose and found fertile ground within that house of white down yonder. All weekend, scandal after scandal after scandal, getting kind of difficult to keep track, actually. Safe to say, the next several months shall be rather fascinating as we watch the Trump cronies and MAGAs spout new left-wing deep state conspiracy theories. Perhaps more Kellyanne on the … Continue reading Pansy-Bum And The Enablers

‘We hold these truths to be self-evident’, they wrote

A girlfriend and I last week were outside in the garden chatting, stories from the past summer, plans for the fall, catching up. I mentioned to her how when an old friend was visiting I had been stumped as to where to take her for some historical adventures. London is rather lacking in this history stuff – unlike our namesake over the pond – as … Continue reading ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident’, they wrote

The Normalization Of Cruelty And Corruption

Beginning to wonder if perhaps the GOP strategy is to undermine the very foundations of 243 years of American democracy their own way. Perhaps, you know, just do the work of the extremist Islamic terrorist, undermine democracy themselves, just to keep Muslim’s out of the equation? Maybe they like the concept, but they’re racist so prefer to have whites doing the dirty work of undermining … Continue reading The Normalization Of Cruelty And Corruption

Just Another Day At The Sh!t-Show

Most presidents have had a hand-picked team of advisors, different people with different life experiences, varied ideas, a library of knowledge considered the cornerstone, a group that most presidents have valued and chosen to draw wisdom from. Of course, there is no place at the 45ths table for anything that may fashion itself as ‘wisdom’. No chair reserved for a point of view at odds … Continue reading Just Another Day At The Sh!t-Show

How The Mighty Have Fallen

So, watching American politics is by far more entertaining than it ever was, and that is saying quite a bit, eh? I mean, Donny boy is so great he almost makes the whole Clinton Impeachment look like a Hallmark movie, and Nixon, heck, after school special. Pft. Nope, ol’Trumpo has hisself a downright epic multi-season drama, maybe even an Academy Award-winning Film, or at least … Continue reading How The Mighty Have Fallen

These Things We Now Know To Be True

We believed certain things had been sorted, we knew what the good hats looked like, we thought we knew who the bad hats were. Many believed that only those with no moral fibre would disagree with those values, we thought only people with selfish reasons would object. Before and after defines today’s political landscape. That day in November 2016 some things changed. This new order, … Continue reading These Things We Now Know To Be True

And The Roar Of The Crowd Is His License To Be The Mad King

Watching him the other day standing at the podium, clutching the lectern out there on the White House lawn, slowly and carefully reading from the teleprompter the prepared words, it almost seemed like he was just trying to keep himself upright, to say the words. He is coming undone, unravelling before our eyes. The job is hard, far easier to stand in the safety of … Continue reading And The Roar Of The Crowd Is His License To Be The Mad King

How To Inoculate The Infection Of The Authoritarian Right-Wing Movement In America; Or At least A Good Start

Ok, so, in the next instalment of uppity quasi-Canadian with an opinion, let me say first that American politics is soOOooo different from Canadian, at many levels. Not the least of which is the epic drama of American elections, of the rise and fall of candidates, over months and months and months, of speeches, debates, out on the campaign trail, the back and forth, the … Continue reading How To Inoculate The Infection Of The Authoritarian Right-Wing Movement In America; Or At least A Good Start