That Woman

Defines, the very essence of who I want to be. With every breath, there is the grace, of a kind, beautiful, soul. She moves, loves, and never hates, this woman I have in mind. I take her with me on walks, and she’s there every time I talk, this woman I have in mind. She inspires, and I admire, her smile and her cool style. And the … Continue reading That Woman

FB Me Please

Quantum Entanglement “Two particles can become entangled so that they retain a connection even when separated over long distances. The properties between the two are correlated so that an action performed in one affect the other” [from] So this whole entanglement thing is really nothing new. Facebook merely puts the players on a different stage, enlarges the scope of visibility, and digitizes the components … Continue reading FB Me Please

Montreal Is…

I had to, I couldn’t resist it any longer. This writing challenge finally gives me the excuse I’ve needed to use my photos from my trip to Montreal in 2005. I LOVE MONTREAL. Montreal, in three paragraphs? Only? Lets see. Located in Canada, in the province of Quebec, a visit to Montreal is like being transported to some exotic European city. It is vibrant, historic, … Continue reading Montreal Is…